House Painting | Exterior Painting | Geist IN
Exterior House Painters in Geist IN
We specialize in painting home exteriors.
Painting the exterior of your Geist home is not only a great way to enhance the curb appeal of your home. It’s a great way to protect your investment as well!
Exterior paints are designed to help protect your homes outer walls from the elements. Poor quality exterior paint jobs don’t last very long in the diverse environmental conditions that we have in Indiana. Depending on the exterior surfaces being painted you’ll be faced with a variety of paint choices and it can be quite confusing for many homeowners.
When you choose White’s Painting and Power Washing to complete your exterior house painting project, we go through all the tough choices with you and explain everything to you through the eyes of professional painters who do this everyday, not somebody in a home improvement store trying to sell you some expensive paint. You may have many special considerations that need to be taken when painting your home, such as high windows and trim, special surfaces, or maybe a other special considerations unique to your property.
When you choose White’s Painting and Power Washing, you are choosing a company that really cares about your project. We want to really improve the look of your home’s exterior and we can show you different trim colors, accents and other expert finishing techniques that will really make the exterior of your home “pop”. You’ll have the nicest looking house on the street!
We offer a level of knowledge and expertise in the way we paint houses that you’re not going to find with another painting contractor. We don’t just paint houses, we transform them with our eye for design, knowledge of color trends and attention to detail.
Exterior House Painting Geist IN
- Exterior House Painting
- Stucco Siding Painting
- Fiber Cement Siding Painting
- Exterior Pressure Washing (prep work)
- Out Buildings and Sheds
- Garages
- Decks and Patios
All Exterior Painting Projects Include:
- On-site visit (or several) to go over your project.
- Color consultations until you’re happy with the choices.
- Pressure washing and scraping away of all old paint.
- Meticulous site preparation and protection of areas not to be painted.
- Application of any base coats or primers. (if needed)
- Application of top coats and trim or accents.
- Job walkthrough with you.
- Final details and finishing work.
If you’ve got an Exterior Painting project for your home give White’s Painting and Power Washing a call and we’ll come out and give a competitive estimate along with some friendly and helpful advice on your project.
We understand that you have many choices when it comes to a house painting contractor in the Geist, Indiana area. We just want you to know that when you choose White’s Painting and Power Washing for your house painting needs you are taking on a motivated partner in making your home look better!